Build time today 2.0 hours - Total build time 250.0 hours.
Man time today 2.0 hours - Total man time 279.0 hours.
I had dropped an email asking for a couple of clarifications and had some of the needed info.
One thing was not to use cable ties on the side screen mounts as these could have sharp edges. I have replaced them with M5 screws and will add some black duct tape.
Still not sure how to best protect the flexible brake pipes without securing in place some how, will get further clarification, I did spot a comment on the WSCC forum that it was ok if the flexible pipes touched as long as they were covered and protected.
I ran the engine again for a short while to check the coolant system and all now looks ok. I will check and check again before the IVA test though.
checked the brake master cylinder and that too looks to be now sorted, but will keep an eye on it.
Now to check the fuel leak, I expected that to be OK but it was not, there was the slightest amount in a part formed droplet, but it is difficult to really tell where it is coming from. The only thing is to again tighten everything slightly and keep checking. I may need to drain the tank again and dissemble the fuel tank connections to check those, regardless of IVA this needs to be sorted.
The only things left to do are keep checking for leaks. fit the bonnet covers, decide what to do about the flexible brake pipes and RAC roll bar covers.
I ran the engine again for a short while to check the coolant system and all now looks ok. I will check and check again before the IVA test though.
checked the brake master cylinder and that too looks to be now sorted, but will keep an eye on it.
Now to check the fuel leak, I expected that to be OK but it was not, there was the slightest amount in a part formed droplet, but it is difficult to really tell where it is coming from. The only thing is to again tighten everything slightly and keep checking. I may need to drain the tank again and dissemble the fuel tank connections to check those, regardless of IVA this needs to be sorted.
The only things left to do are keep checking for leaks. fit the bonnet covers, decide what to do about the flexible brake pipes and RAC roll bar covers.
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