Build time today 2.0 hours - Total build time 82.0 hours.
Man time today 2.0 hours - Total man time 98.5 hours.
Not too much achieved. Firstly got the engine harness out and had a look and the engine management harness. went through the plugs trying to workout where everything fitted, think I have worked out some of what is required but not all. Trouble is the supplements in the guide are for the sport 1600i and the Duratec engines, mine is a Zetec plus the engine management described is a different make.
I next decided to look at the tunnel cover, I had seen in another blog that someone had cut the front part in two, some that the area which wires pass through and the gear leaver surround are separated. this seemed sensible and I decided to do the same. I first marked the panel so that I would cut along the top of a cross brace then drew a line a jig sawed it in to two parts. It also seemed to wide so I trimmed the side so that it no longer overhung the tunnel edges, made new holes in one side, naked, drilled and inserted rivet nuts. Its now ready to fasten down.
Not much for a couple of hours work but a number of the tasks are not clear so need careful consideration.
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