Build time today 6.0 hours - Total build time 235.0 hours.
Man time today 8.0 hours - Total man time 262.5 hours.
Before fitting the seats I decided it was sensible to drill the holes to fit the dash. First I had to find the pre-drilled holes in the dash. Starting in the centre I used a small Philips screwdriver to prod the back edge of the dash to locate all the mounting holes, marking them as I went. Once done I used a 4mm drill to clear the hole. I them located the dash making sure it was in the correct location before marking the fixing points for rivet nuts.
Next task was to fit the seats, passenger first, this was the seat we had tried previously and it went in without issue, A little silicon on the large washers under the floor and tightened up the nuts. Driver's next, off with the polythene and bauble wrap, only issue was a missing washer and nut, never mind easy to sort out later.
With the seats in place I re-attached the upper harness mount points through the seats and included the IVA compliant covers.
Quick test and on to the dash.
I first looked at the sequence the connector blocks were on the loom then amended the switch order to be the same. I though best to start like this even if I change at a latter date.
A lot of spaghetti and something I am sure I can tied up further.
With the dash in place I next had a go a setting the speed calibration, I had obtained the correct setting from Westfield (hope it is correct anyway) and it was a matter of following the instructions, after a couple of attempts I entered what I hope to be the correct value,
With the dash wiring complete it was then onto securing it and sorting out the cover. This is fixed with Velcro so a matter of applying to the full length of both surfaces and putting in place.
Steering wheel came next, getting all the screws, washers and nuts on was not easy as I would have expected, it was though there is a slight warp in the steering mount, the wheel is ok and eventually it was secured and attached. I guess the wheel is not expensive and something to be replace with a better quality item in the not too distant future.
last little job for the day was to put the rear view mirror in place.
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