Build time today 1.0 hours - Total build time 161.0 hours.
Man time today 1.0 hours - Total man time 183.5 hours.
Once these were marked I used them to mark the position of the inner mount points (241mm centre difference) then followed the same basic process, drill a small hole, use the cone drills to enlarge until the eye bolt will fit and then marking where the hole needs to be.
Managed to grab an hour between getting home and tea.
Progressed with the holes for the harness mounts in the body work. Using the cone drills purchased from eBay I enlarged the two holes already drilled being careful to keep them centred, this was actually more difficult than I expected. Getting the drill properly in the centre was not easy and however hard I tried the holes were not centred. In the end I decided the best approach would be to drill so far and then enlarge with the dremel. Once the holes were large enough to accept the eye bolt I masked up the area and screwed the eye bolt with spacer on so that I could mark round it. I will then expand the hole to the line.
They are all now ready for enlarging.
Now on to the fuel filler cap again, I first checked where it was marked in relation to the centre, In doing this I found the body work was not actually centred but approx 1cm out based upon the roll bar fittings, not that there is much I can do about it. The fuel filler was within a mm of being in the centre based upon the roll bar, which is good enough for me.
I decided that rather than drilling a full size hole I would drill a slightly smaller hole and then expand to the correct size. I used the gasket supplied with the filler cap to mark the hole ready to drill and enlarge.
Not much to show for it but good progress made.
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